Track My Workout is an application similar to one of my older project calls HattApp. Track My Workout as the name apply will be an app to track users fitness routine and schedule. Since HattApp only availiable on Android, Track My Workout will be a cross platform mobile application that will be availiable to user on either Android or IOS devices. Currently, Track My Workout is in the process of building the official landing page and the core server that will be responsible for the entire application logics.
Track My Workout landing page is build using React as a frontend web page that will communicate with the server through RestAPI. This landing page is similar to Nextflix Landing Page, it will let the user login, signup and manage their subscription. The server side is build using Spring framework with a JWT implementation and Spring Security to protect users data.
This Project is still under the development process!
Track My Workout architecture fall into a client-server architecture. The landing page and the server are two separete repositories that will communicate with each other vai the RestAPI. For a frontend part (the landing page) is build using React.js and the Material UI library for most components within the page. For the server, Spring framework was choosen with Gradle as a build tool. Other libraries and tools like Spring JPA, Spring Security, and JWT are also use to build this server.
Currently, I finished with the implementation of the Authentication process of Track My Workout. This Authentication process was implemented using JWT. The necessary endpoints for the Authentication process was also finished and tested using http request on Postman.
Coming soon!
Last Update Data: 02/03/2024 | Author: Samnang Thorn